De astrologie van de maand mei 2024

De astrologische wervelwind van april is wat gaan liggen. Mei is gelukkig veel rustiger. Toch staan de sterren niet stil. Wat gebeurt er deze maand?   Pluto retrograde (3 mei) Nieuwe maan in Stier (8 mei) Mercurius naar Stier (16 mei) Venus conjunct Uranus (17-19 mei) Zon conjunct Jupiter (17-20 mei) Mars conjunct Noorknoop (17-20 … Read more

We have 3 Saturn Uranus squares in 2021

Timing of this transit We are now in the second transit of Saturn square Uranus. It will be exact on 15 June in Europe and felt throughout the year. 18.02.21 (felt from 6 Feb – 4 Mar ~ 1 month) 15.06.21 (felt from 2 Jun – 27 June ~ 3,5 weeks) 24.12.21 (felt from 16 … Read more

Scorpio Season | 22.10 – 21.11

With Scorpio, we deep dive into the river Stix, to cleanse our souls from all toxins and redeem old skins for new ones. Stingy Scorpio is the second water sign after Sensitive Cancer. On the surface, Scorpio may look like the most rational of all water signs. But Scorpio’s inner waters are intense, tumultuous and … Read more