Aries Season | 20.03 – 19.04

Ardent Aries, let’s welcome your season, the organic first of a brand new year. In spring we bring to life what has died or what has disintegrated during Pisces season. The natural cycle of death, birth and rebirth is reignited through you. The old has transcended into something new. It starts from what looks like … Read more

Pisces Season | 19.02 – 20.03

Precious Pisces, with your star sign we have arrived at the end of the zodiac cycle – only to rebegin. With you, the evolution of awareness from the Aries Ego over the Libra Other to the Pisces Collective is complete. Selfless, compassionate, tolerant, kind, peaceful, dreamy, bohemian, romantic, soft, artistic, altruistic, gentle, creative, visionary, sympathetic, … Read more